






ペコラ銀座店主 佐藤英明

Our Website Renewal

We are very happy to announce the renewal of our  website.

The coming year 2020 is a special year for us, as we will be entering the 20th anniversary of Pecora Ginza.

I would like to send my gratitude and thanks to Mr Hisashi Murayama designer of this website for his splendid talent and work, and to our staff that put their time and effort into the making of this website.

I must thank from my heart, to all the support received from customers, friends and family, for it is  only for because of those I have been able to continue my job as a tailor throughout this past 20 years.

This coming new year 2020 shall be a memorial year, where I wish to remind myself the spirit I beheld when I first started tailoring , and promise to continue to tailor clothes that meet the needs and fulfill the satisfaction of each and everyone of our customers. 

Another hope is to develop communication with customers through our blog, instagram and facebook.

We also have prepared a special event to celebrate our 20th anniversary. 

Details will be announced on January 7th.

I hope you will all join to enjoy and celebrate our special anniversary together.

Hideaki Sato (PECORA GINZA)

December 25th 2019